Why am I experiencing problems logging in with MitID?

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There are several reasons why you may experience problems logging in with MitID.

  • You may experience errors when logging in with MitID if you have a private MitID with a MitID Erhverv attached, and this is not set up correctly. You can check your setup by contacting MitID support here. Read here for more information about MitID Erhverv.
  • If you have chosen the wrong MitID, login will fail. This could be, for example, if you use your private MitID but have chosen to log in as your company or vice versa.

If your domain name is registered under a CVR number with a P-number, then you must ensure that the administrator for the registered MitID has signed for you to be registered as a user on MitID Erhverv, or has ordered a user certificate for you.

Instructions for connecting to MitID Erhverv:

  1.      Go to https://mitid-erhverv.dk/tilslutning/
  2.      Go down the page, select "Start connection" and follow the instructions on the page.
  3.      Accept terms.
  4.      Set up the connection as an administrator.
  5.      You must then complete the setup, where you must confirm that you want to use your private MitID for business validation.

Note that if you have several CVR numbers associated with your MitID, the connection must be accepted per CVR.

You can subsequently log in to our self-service and validate with MitID Erhverv.

If you need further guidance, please contact MitID Erhverv on +45 33 98 00 20.